00:01 hi I'm Janelle Pizarro and I'm Frederick 00:04 Philipp von vise and thank you for 00:06 consuming the Thunder nerds a 00:07 conversation with the people behind the 00:10 technology that love what they do and do 00:13 tech good we are here in Orlando at an 00:17 event apart yeah so great to be 00:20 everybody and we are joined by the 00:23 amazing Rachel Andrew Rachel you are the 00:26 co-founder of perch a web developer 00:29 speaker author yeah so amazing to have 00:32 you here you have quite a what a lot of 00:35 accomplishments in the industry yeah 00:37 I've been doing this for a long time 00:39 house yeah I think what did Chris 00:44 quarter say how he got a such a popular 00:47 blog he just did it for eight years so 00:49 yeah if you if you keep doing it you'll 00:52 you'll eventually get there yeah you 00:54 should have amassed a bunch of stuff do 00:58 you mind uh providing our audience a 00:59 little bit of context about you and who 01:01 you are yeah so I am a British web 01:05 developer live in Bristol in the UK I 01:08 watch from the North East of England 01:09 efficiently and yeah I've been working 01:12 on the web for about 20 years 01:14 so I kind of predate CSS these days I am 01:17 an invited expert status working groups 01:19 to actually work on CSS as well as doing 01:22 a whole bunch for the things perch and I 01:23 thought it noticed and wondering I'm 01:26 speaking and I've written 23 books at 01:28 this point well as another author so 01:30 yeah kind of a lot of stuff over many 01:32 years that's amazing oh my gosh 01:36 sue so what's your talk gonna be about 01:37 today is it today or yesterday I change 01:40 something and yes I'm talking about 01:42 well CSS grid layout and layout in 01:45 general so I think one of the things I'm 01:49 trying to kind of get across is the fact 01:50 that it's not just one technology it's 01:52 not a CSS grid or flexbox or it's 01:54 actually there's a whole bunch of stuff 01:56 underlying these things and it's those 01:58 things these are sizing alignments and 02:00 so on that really pull everything 02:01 together and so yeah I'm talking about 02:03 that and just kind of how list of all 02:05 already works that's so cool yeah I mean 02:09 it really is a new technology if you 02:13 will I think that's fair to say 02:14 it's 02:15 with certain support with edge and 02:18 chrome and and I think edges come a long 02:21 way but they still have a little bit of 02:23 funny funny this is and that's within 02:26 there and I mean the layout stuff work 02:28 sewing because the the specter in this 02:30 is a square that she came from like 02:31 stuff in the first place and so that was 02:33 their spec and they they had an 02:35 implementation in in nine ten eleven and 02:38 they've updated their edge of notation 02:40 they're too much everybody else's so I 02:42 mean great layout itself is its variable 02:46 so idiots just sort of how many could 02:48 run over to browse or some things issue 02:50 how do you not talk a bit about that 02:53 oh yeah how do you get to like um you 02:56 know talk tell people all about like CSS 02:58 grid and and layout in general you know 03:01 especially as a pioneer of CSS grid and 03:04 and and CSS really as a whole how do you 03:08 think like your message comes across and 03:10 how do you get like you know if people 03:11 not like glassy-eyed like just oh my 03:14 gosh it's really a lot of the people on 03:23 the swing we brought you browser 03:25 engineer's they work you know about 03:27 browser code the work for web browsers 03:28 they're not actually using CSS as a 03:31 developer which is what I do 03:33 and so there's stuff I talk about it's 03:34 really just what I've figured out you 03:36 know and that's always what it's been 03:37 it's what I've done for 20 years now 03:38 figure things out I write it down and 03:40 then more recently have been speaking 03:41 about it and so I try and speak about 03:44 this stuff at the same in the same place 03:47 the attendees of that you know yes I'm 03:50 involved you know I'm a spec editor now 03:51 on the stateĆ­s working group but I try 03:53 and talk about it stuff just as a web 03:55 developer you know like hey these are 03:57 interesting things this is useful this 03:59 will make your life easier that's all 04:00 good job music is making my job easy 04:09 interpretations on is it difficult to 04:11 break people out of the mindset of the 04:13 old float idea like people that will 04:16 hold on to that really really dearly and 04:18 go oh no I'm I'm good with this I could 04:20 do this for another five or six years 04:23 yeah it's different way of thinking 04:25 about this stuff and where 04:27 found say I do sort of photo workshops 04:29 teaching this and I find that the 04:31 beginners the people who are completely 04:33 coming to this new they're absolutely 04:35 new to CSS they pick up all the new 04:37 stuff so quickly all day they're just 04:39 building websites they're like this is 04:40 great you know about system this is 04:42 under all of the people who've been 04:44 doing this for years okay we sort of 04:47 make this behave a bit like float you 04:50 know and they're trying to kind of take 04:51 it back into different old way of 04:52 thinking because that's how we used to 04:54 doing things now we're so used to 04:56 hacking around with you know to fake a 04:59 grid system essentially with floats you 05:01 know we're basically things a size and 05:02 pushing them out to make it so it looks 05:04 like a grid that was so used to doing 05:07 that that I think it's difficult to get 05:10 out of that I think all of us would be 05:12 doing this a long time have stuff in our 05:13 code that is there like to support ie6 05:16 you know I stopped coming it's okay you 05:25 have to do this doing it just in case so 05:30 you think if there's a lot of 05:31 trepidation from people that are trying 05:33 to support these old technologies like 05:35 an you know to be fair you mention ie6 05:37 rather than going going future and then 05:40 providing some kind of layer behind that 05:44 of you know if if you are using that 05:46 here's a little extra CSS that you know 05:49 you can use yeah I think I don't think 05:50 it's not even just that it's just that 05:52 we get so used to working in a certain 05:53 way you know oh if I if I dunno you know 05:56 there's just all this stuff that's in 05:57 built that we know oh you know we 05:59 shouldn't do this we should do that and 06:01 a lot of it is referring back to a 06:03 browser that we don't even need to 06:04 support anymore you know it's just that 06:07 we just been built we've that's how we 06:08 build web sites you know so we learn in 06:10 that knowledge what about in the 06:15 corporate environment you you feel me 06:17 that we have to I don't know kind of 06:21 take a step back from grid or we need to 06:23 stay within the floats or flexbox within 06:27 that kind of like a website like like an 06:30 audience for maybe a small to medium 06:33 sized business or make it enterprise I 06:36 think obsessing a particular 06:38 technologies is the wrong thing to be 06:40 doing 06:40 I 06:41 I think that it's more a case of well 06:42 what solves the problem I've gotten fun 06:44 to make now if you consult that in the 06:46 simplest possible way that is supported 06:48 by you know browsers right back then do 06:50 that you know you don't need to use CSS 06:52 grid because it exists but if you've got 06:54 a pattern that can only be built using 06:55 CSS grid you know if your choice is 06:57 using CSS quit or using like a ton of 06:59 JavaScript to kind of get everything 07:01 into place and use the performance 07:05 technology and provide a nice fall back 07:07 you know it's like you don't have to use 07:09 this stuff you know it's saying it's 07:11 working good we don't go around with 07:12 people up and yell at them aren't using 07:14 this but you don't have to use and are 07:28 getting their head round it for the time 07:30 when you know threads of the big from at 07:33 the moment is people stuck on my ten 07:34 eleven and a lot in particularly in the 07:38 UK a lot it's the bigger businesses did 07:40 not move people over to edge yet you 07:44 know you don't have to use this stuff 07:45 you want to start learning it we want to 07:48 know it's there because you're going to 07:49 come across patterns that you can only 07:51 solve with it and and you can create 07:54 decent fallbacks for this stuff and 07:56 that's going to be better than a 07:57 horrible janky mess javascript you know 07:59 that's that because that's the problem 08:01 is that people are saying oh what I want 08:03 to do this fancy layout I'm not sure 08:06 there's enough support for grid oh I'll 08:08 just do it with JavaScript that's the 08:09 worst thing to do giving all the people 08:12 on terrible browsers a whole load of 08:14 JavaScript everything around yes you 08:24 don't need to use this stuff if you can 08:26 solve your problems without it you know 08:28 and if if you can do something simpler 08:31 that means you have better browser 08:32 support with what you're doing last fine 08:34 you know 08:35 people obsess about you know oh we can't 08:38 use any of this tool you say this the 08:40 wrong way you might be able to use grid 08:42 team hands something and make it much 08:46 nice a lot of people who do have the 08:47 technology but it's still fine for 08:49 everybody else I have a question for you 08:52 if you don't mind um what are your 08:54 favorite resource 08:54 to kind of give people to learn more 08:57 about just layout in general especially 08:59 like there's you know fak and engineers 09:01 that sometimes I feel like jump into the 09:03 front end because you know everything's 09:05 on fire so how would you kind of go 09:09 about saying okay well this is the 09:11 fastest way that you can learn you know 09:13 the concept of layout and then maybe 09:15 move on into making this grid layout 09:19 work for you yeah I say actually for 09:22 anyone and mdn and there was other web 09:25 Docs project is probably the best place 09:27 to start there's I mean I've actually 09:29 written an awful lot of the layout dogs 09:30 for Mozilla but there's a huge amount of 09:34 stuff there and it is always being 09:36 updated cuz the things essentially a 09:37 wiki so if people spot problems they 09:38 don't fix it and so there's a big learn 09:41 layout section there anyway which is 09:42 designed for complete beginners to 09:44 layout to learning that stuff I'm 09:46 building a CSS cookbooks or layout 09:49 cookbook section which is lots of design 09:50 patterns just you know here's how you do 09:53 this kind of navigation or bits pieces 09:55 like that so yeah MTN is definitely 09:57 basically for anyone to go for all of 09:59 this stuff because it's just such a 10:02 wonderful resource cool well so well 10:05 wouldn't be and for some of the people 10:07 that can't make it today and tomorrow 10:11 and the next day rather well would be 10:13 some of the takeaways that you might 10:15 want to hit that that you might be 10:17 talking about I think really it's 10:20 understand the underlying things that 10:22 tie all these layouts packs together so 10:23 things like sizing and alignment are 10:25 really really important and I've written 10:27 quite a lot about that stuff in the last 10:29 year and you know creating could fall 10:34 backs and new CSS has been developed to 10:37 be able to overwrite nicely old CSS so 10:39 you can create a faux thing you can 10:40 enhance it with grid we've got things 10:42 like feature queries so you can say you 10:44 know hey browser do you support quit and 10:45 if it does support grid we can do good 10:47 stuff and if not the browsers getting 10:49 the other stuff so we've got built into 10:51 CSS the ability to do elegant fall backs 10:55 and to enhance with this stuff I think 10:58 that's really important to understand 10:59 that we don't have to we do have to 11:01 detecting browsers through JavaScript we 11:03 don't have to be trying to create we 11:05 don't have tramp polyfill we would have 11:07 to try and yeah 11:08 the same experience for other browsers 11:11 we need to give a good experience so 11:12 everyone was able to get the content to 11:14 use the application or whatever but 11:15 doesn't need to be identical because 11:17 your customers are not ABT's maybe 11:20 testing your websites you know they 11:22 never ever looked at it into browsers so 11:24 as long as it works well in the one that 11:26 there in front of that's all I care 11:27 about 11:28 so I think it's that sort of stuff you 11:30 know just as how we can start to be 11:32 using this stuff in a in a useful way 11:34 well it's appropriate yeah I make a lot 11:36 of sense you know I saw on your on the 11:39 bio that that they put up on the website 11:41 that you're a runner yes yeah yes there 11:44 was actually a bunch of us out this 11:45 morning and oh you did it 11:47 yeah have to because so Josh Park is 11:50 here he invented couch to 5k so I'd love 12:00 to run a friend so you know nothing 12:01 about what I actually do they just went 12:03 away I'm hosting on an airplane to do 12:26 three yeah that's okay oh it's probably 12:38 getting on for ten years now so to get 12:41 news traffic on at the moment so well 12:43 because I thought you know running is 12:44 not enough we need to have extra pair of 12:46 running backs and jumping in lakes first 12:49 Wow good for you I do a lot of travel 12:54 and running is a good way to see in 12:56 cities and to get out before conferences 12:59 you know otherwise I would just sit in 13:00 hotels all day yeah well it's nice to 13:03 loosen up and like you say you get to 13:05 see the city you know what exercise it's 13:13 a nice way to chats people yeah I guess 13:15 the kind of question is off and yeah 13:17 you're not in work mode but you as cooks 13:19 end up talking about this 13:20 [Laughter] 13:25 no one speaks a shared interest next 13:34 size of one's awesome 13:35 you know I'm uh I'm a big fan of perch I 13:37 really enjoy it what is it now it's 70 13:41 bucks for a license it's yes yes yeah 13:44 and yeah we were just talking last night 13:46 because said because Drew's here with me 13:48 who's the other half of perch and we 13:51 were - we're gonna be 10 years Wow doing 13:54 this a long time so cool yeah so this 13:58 it's quite a quite thing I think I might 14:00 have heard of it the first time on maybe 14:02 bow out rollers yeah maybe yeah yeah so 14:06 yeah so that's us do that but yeah 10 14:11 years is a lot it's a long time in Webb 14:12 years 14:13 yeah yeah right to have the one product 14:15 yeah it's so nice though because just 14:18 what are you bringing with perches that 14:21 you could use it with anything yeah you 14:23 know you have your in your design and 14:25 you you want to build it out well you 14:27 just back this in and you build your own 14:29 logic out yeah you know you know a lot 14:34 of other systems you kind of have to go 14:35 all in you've got to build templates for 14:37 that system I've got a website I'd like 14:39 to edit that stuff that yeah I just want 14:41 to make that into a face yeah yeah I 14:44 think that that was always and that 14:46 still is you know why why most people 14:47 you say is they just got bits of content 14:49 they need anything because not everyone 14:51 needs everything into a CMS yeah I just 14:55 want to make a content type out of one 14:56 thing yeah boom there it is yeah I love 14:59 that I know so many people who put spend 15:02 a lot of time implementing a CMS on a 15:04 project and the client never ever logs 15:06 in story and actually probably what all 15:12 the client actually wants to do is be 15:14 able to change the stories on the home 15:15 page or doing that's the sort of thing 15:17 the purchase really great time you know 15:18 when you don't need you know you're not 15:19 interested in giving them everything to 15:22 edit because they're never gonna do it 15:23 you know they're not interested a lot of 15:25 times they say oh I need oh I need a 15:27 WordPress website because in their mind 15:29 they think a website is they were 15:31 pressed just yeah and they don't know 15:33 welcome 15:34 they're they're not looking for you to 15:36 create some kind of calm complexity of 15:38 of content I just need basic things yeah 15:43 yeah I love that I do have any any final 15:46 words for our audience anything you like 15:48 to say I'm terrible I must get to 15:52 talking about CSS I can carry on all day 15:54 but you know were you're very welcome 16:00 for for CSS and for the web in general 16:04 and the things that are happening and 16:05 you know if you are in a position where 16:08 you think you know you know always takes 16:09 ages for things to happen it takes ages 16:11 things to get into browsers that really 16:12 is changing and so don't write up new 16:16 things but you think it's going to be 16:17 five years before you can use it because 16:19 you know with the speed of releases now 16:21 with browsers it's something new is 16:23 going to show up you know we can be 16:24 inventing stuff in CSS working group and 16:26 seeing it in perhaps or six months later 16:28 is it really is that fast so you know 16:31 get excited about use different play 16:33 with it and let people know let the see 16:35 this written group let people like 16:37 myself you know happens to be the voice 16:38 of web developers let the browser 16:41 vendors know what you want because 16:42 that's how I get stuff enter into our 16:44 practice and usable for us yeah have an 16:46 actual dialogue with the people rather 16:49 than going you know where are the gaps 16:56 where are the things we need to invent 16:57 you know install next well thanks 17:06 everybody uh our guest Rachel Andrew and 17:09 we'll have a lot more coming up all 17:12 through the day and all through the next 17:14 three days so thanks everybody